Hack-O-Rama: The Annual Web Development Hackathon for beginners

Hack-O-Rama: The Annual Web Development Hackathon for beginners

Vedant Kahalekar's photo

4 min read

What is Hack-O-Rama πŸ€”

Welcome to Hack-O-Rama, the annual hackathon organized by the Codename Origin Community specifically tailored for beginners who are just stepping into the exciting world of hackathons. If you're a coder eager to dive into the realm of rapid development and innovation, this event is perfect for you!

Register Now: Click Here

Event Highlights 🌟

  • For Beginners: Designed for coders who have not participated in hackathons before.

  • 12-Hour Challenge: Immerse yourself in a 12-hour rush to create something impactful and learn about cutting-edge technologies along the way.

  • Hands-On Experience: Gain practical coding experience and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts.

Who Can Participate? πŸš€

Anyone who wants to experience the thrill of creating projects within a limited timeframe is welcome! Whether you're a seasoned developer, a coding newbie, or a pro, there's a project for you. Don't miss this opportunity to challenge yourself and contribute to the community.

🌟Theme: CodeCraft - Empowering Learning and Productivity πŸš€

  1. FlashCardMaster πŸ“š:

Unleash your creativity and build a dynamic flashcard application! Craft a user-friendly platform for creating, editing, and studying flashcards.

  1. TaskTracker Buddy πŸ“…:

Dive into the world of productivity with TaskTracker Buddy! Develop a task management tool tailored for students.

  1. CodeSnip Hub πŸ’»:

Enter the realm of coding excellence! Create a web application that serves as a haven for code snippets.

  1. Collaborative NoteSpace πŸ“:

Unleash the power of collaboration with Collaborative NoteSpace! Develop a platform where multiple users can create, edit, and comment on shared documents in real-time.

  1. PomoPal Timer ⏲️:

Master the art of time management with PomoPal Timer! Design a Pomodoro Technique-based productivity timer with a twist.

Note: These challenges are tailored for beginners, ensuring an exciting 12-hour journey into web development. So, don't worry of the outcome just try and enjoy the hackathon. Embrace the CodeCraft theme and let your coding skills flourish! 🌐✨

Judging Criteria πŸ†

  • Innovation: Emphasize the importance of innovative ideas and creative solutions.

  • Execution: Consideration for how well participants implement their ideas and the functionality of their projects.

  • Impact: Evaluate the potential impact of the project on individuals or the community.

Prizes Galore! 🎁

Participants have a chance to win exciting prizes:

πŸ“€ Participation Certificate: Kickstart your hacking journey with an official certificate from us.

πŸ“€ *Sticker Pack: Receive a pack of 50 programmer-themed stickers for you and your team. ( According to the response, as it is a non-sponsored community event )

πŸ“€ Custom Themed Portfolio: Get a personalized, aesthetically themed open-source portfolio template for you and your team.

πŸ“€ Exclusive Network Access: Connect with our best network for exclusive updates and opportunities.

πŸ“€ Insights from Industry Leaders: Gain direct access to leads from Google Developer Students Club and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador for valuable insights.

How to Participate in Hack-O-Rama πŸš€

You can visit the official Unstop page of the Hack-O-Rama where all the necessary instructions are provided to start you registration process and you will also receive confirmation mails for the same.


9:00 am - 9:30 am: Opening Ceremony

  • Dive into the hackathon with inspiring keynote speakers and valuable insights.

  • Get familiar with the rules, guidelines, and judging criteria that will shape your Hack-O-Rama experience.

9:30 am - 9:00 pm: Hacking Period

  • Start crafting the required solution by working in a team and hacking your way towards the victory

  • You have plenty of time to work on the solution, so don’t hurry and enjoy the hacking time with your team mates🌟

8:30 pm - 9:00 pm: Submission Period

  • Get ready to submit your projects! Create a GitHub repository with the name format: team_name_HRCNO (replace team_name with your actual team name).

  • Add "Codename Origin" as collaborators to your repository for easier assessment.

  • GitHub Repo commits after the given time period will not be considered.

December 25, 2023 9:00 pm - 9:30 pm: Judging and Closing Ceremony

  • Judges review submissions based on innovation, execution, and impact.

  • Winners are announced, and certificates are awarded. Join us for the closing ceremony with thank-you notes and invitations to post-event networking.

Register Here

FAQs πŸ€”

Q: Can I participate alone? A: Yes, individual participants are welcome.

Q: Are there any specific programming languages allowed? A: Participants can use any programming language or technology.

Q: How do I connect with team members? A: You can connect with them as you wish but we also have a dedicated discord server for you to jam in

For Any Queries:


WhatsApp Group: chat.whatsapp.com/JFky0zpQDBb68bmReKeghQ

Organizers πŸ˜„

Vedant Kahalekar

CEO & Co-Founder

Atharva Inamdar

COO / Community Manager & Co-Founder

Pavan Kamthane

CTO / Project Head & Co-Founder

Socials πŸ”—

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/codename-origin

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/codename_origin/

GitHub: https://github.com/The-Tech-Village

Hashnode: https://codenameorigin.hashnode.dev

Join us at Hack-O-Rama for a day of coding, learning, and fun! Let's create something amazing together! πŸš€πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

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